December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve Scare

Christmas Eve morning I woke again to a bloody nose. I dont ever get bloody noses. Im on medication for brain swelling, so the site of blood was scary. I have visions of my brain trying to run away lol. Add that to the past few days I have had pain in my right lung, and the worry started to set in. I do have some spots of cancer in my right lung, but it hasnt hurt or bothered me. It may be a fluke that there is pain at all, but I cant help that nagging feeling. So we call the Doctor!

7 am- call the on call doc. He calls back and says "its winter it happens, youll be fine. You can come in if you want but Im sure its nothing."

7:10 am- Screw it calling MY oncologists personal cell that I have for emergencies. I apologize profusely when he picks up after 2 rings. Luckily, my awesome doc is indeed concerned. Hes worried enough to call my neurosurgeon as indeed it could be caused from swelling or something. He says he wants to call me right back.

(my doctor then tells me to not call the on call number again, and if ever in need just call him or his nurses phone in the future. On call doc had NO idea that I had recently had brain surgery or issues and just wouldnt listen. Luckily, my doc is going to address this with him)

8 ish- They call back and decide to get me in asap for a MRI and a chest Xray. YAY DOC!

10 am- We get in get the MRI and Chest Xray. Im the only patient scanned. Everyone is so nice. Christmas carolers show up and start singing while Im getting my chest xray. Freaky awesome and made me tear up a bit. First Ive heard any caroling this season.

11 am- Prescribe antibiotics for a possible bacterial infection. Brain MRI celan. My brain is not in fact runny away for christmas. Chest x-ray inconclusive. They are gonig to treat me for an infection.

Follow up-

It hurts to breath or more. My entire right side feels like there is a stitch in it. I cant sleep. They can treat me for pain and that is it. If its indeed the cancer we cant do anything till January anyway.

Due to radiation they cant scan me until January 10th. At that time they will be doing a PET scan, MRI, and repeat labs to see if/where the cancer has spread etc since the last scans. Then January 16th we start our IV treatments to treat said leftover cancer. So its a waiting game until then.

So heres to praying for some sleep in the next few hours....hopefully, good night.

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