December 1, 2013

Oh Christmas tree...

We put up our christmas tree this weekend. Elliot is pretty good with it except for today. His newest trick is to grab an ornament and 'trade' it for a toy. Its amusing to watch. To be fair he's stealing my airplane ornaments. They are not easily breakable, so he's doing no harm. He finally realized he just isn't allowed to touch the tree. All is good for now……until he comes up with another plan.

During nap time I got out my wreath stuff to revamp my christmas wreath. After an hour of hot glue, glitter, and making a giant mess I was done. I had Eric come with me to hang our new wreath on the door. That was when we discovered a flaw…. my awesome new wreath was/is too fat for the door!!! It doesn't fit between my door and glass storm door. So for now its on our mantel, and I have an excuse to get another wreath! I just have to remember nothing too thick or poofy.

Other than that Im doing good today. I do have a headache that I had to take some meds for, but doing pretty good other than that. I have my scans tomorrow morning bright and early. Im nervous about them. I know there really is no reason to be nervous. I won't know anything until wednesday, no reason to be nervous for the scan part. The waiting is the crummy part.

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