December 11, 2013

Date Day!

I had a pretty awesome day today, if I do say so myself. I got to go on a date with my hubby! First date we have been on in a very long time. I joked while in the car that its the first time we've been alone, and not headed to a doctors appointment or treatment. We dropped the baby off at my moms, then we were on our way. We started our trip at the revenue office. (romantic right?) Did our errands there, then lunch then a movie! I can say the last time I saw a movie with my hubby was before Elliot was born. So its been a while.

I learned a few things during our outing today. Stadium theater seating stinks when you have to walk up stairs. I still don't have much strength in my legs, so stairs are challenging and sometimes impossible.  We only went up 5 steps and I was done. I couldn't pick my foot up anymore. Another lesson was movies give me headaches. I guess its the loud noise or something. So basically my legs are killing me, and I have a splitting headache. That said, I had a really good time just spending time alone with Eric.

We were very blessed that my mom was able to watch Elliot today so we could go out. Tomorrow I think we will venture out again. Im ready to get my christmas shopping done. Well that, and the fact Ive been cooped up here due to snow for a week. Im so ready to be out and about.

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