We just cannot seem to get the thrush kicked. Ive been on 2 different meds and each time I beat it back it comes back with greater force. I woke up in the wee hours of Monday morning thinking my throat was going to kill me. I thought it was strep throat. We called the doctor and its just the thrush again. Due to my weakened immune system we now are calling in the big guns, heavy antibiotics. Im hoping this finally kicks it. I am back to no solid foods. It really just sucks when you add all my other stuff on top of it. :)
So my throat is killing me. To sum it all up. HA. Im hoarse, cant eat solids, starting to loose weight again, yet craving all the fun foods that I cant eat. Im ready to at least be able to eat again. It does have its perks I guess. The things I can get down are not exactly the healthiest. I have been amazed at what does work and doesnt. So here is my fun list of what Im living on the past 2 days. (yesterday was day 1 of antibiotics so this should resolve soon.)
Now for the fun part what I can eat.....and am doing so with no guilt.
-Pudding....loads of pudding
-Choc protien shakes (doc special with heavy calories due to loosing too much weight)
-very very very soft m&m cookies. The ones we found disintegrate in our mouth.
-Jolly Ranchers
-Pumpkin M&Ms. OMG I LOVE these. Only sold at Target and mine has sold out.
-Pumpkin pie dessert...mushy goodness
-Pumpkin Coffee
I cant wait for the day the radiation side effects wear off. Remember my taste buds are wacky too...I dont taste food the way I normally do. Its like learning new foods all over again. Then add the ouch factor and its just sheer chaos I tell ya! :)
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