October 23, 2013


We saw the doctor yesterday! Officially everything shrank. My brain tumors all of them shrank and are stable. There isnt anything else in my body right now either!!! So as of right now we are working on healing from the Zelberoft. So before we work on anything else we are going to heal. Im working on healing the ulcures in my mouthm along with my lips,  and throat. Thats about 2 weeks, then we will revisit the doctors and see about changing the dose on my Zelberaft to where we dont have these side effects, yet we keep the tumors stable.

Today is the first day we have been without extra fluids from the oncologist office. So we are having some improvement. I am expecting a phone call from a physical thereapist as well. They are coming to the house to help me gain the strength back in my legs. Right now I dont walk very well, and cant even get out of the recliner by myself. To be brutally honest, I cant even get off the potty by myself. That requires help. Im 100% totally dependent on Eric to help me do everything. Heck my skin is so sensitive Its just flacking away. Water on it daily is too harsh. Its a slow process. Im trying to recover as best we can.

I can still only eat very little foods. Sodium hurts my lips/mouth/tounge. So  its taking getting creative thinking on what I can eat. It tends to change daily. Its just a trial and error process. So thats where we are at.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for the good news!! I'll be glad when you get to feeling better. This is Gayle Bramall, Benita's friend.
