June 26, 2013

Life changes

Im officially a vegetarian. Those that are around me know its been something Ive been trying to do for a few months now. This past weekend was the first time Ive had meat in months. The texture almost made me ill. Ive had a few bites of meat since drastically changing my diet. Each time hasnt been a fun experience. Its just something that I think happens after being meat free for a while. The taste and texture just dont do it for me anymore. Ive tried many different veggie recipes and found that its totally doable, while getting enough protein. What also helps is Elliot hates meat, so this helps me feed him what we eat. 

The reason Im doing this is because research shows vegetarian diets are best for people with cancer, and/or recovering from cancer. There is just too much info out there about people do better in recovery and remission rates on a meatless diet. I cant afford not doing this. Its for me, and my family. I really do want to stick around for a while. 

I have found that the key to doing this type of diet right is to be open minded, and try new things. We have tried quite a few recipes I wouldnt normally be open to. My mom made me meatless meatloaf the other day, Elliot and I couldnt get enough. I dont want to be a cargo-terian, and only eat pastas etc. I really worry about not having a well rounded diet. So we make sure to have plenty of protein etc. That can be a struggle. I feel a lot better eating this way. Less tummy aches, less general 'blah' feeling. Hopefully, this is a road to better health. 

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