August 29, 2014


Yesterday was a tough day. Cassandra woke up and was feeling pretty good. Her pain was at the lowest it had been for weeks. By 9 am pain started to come back. I tried to give her increased meds early to fight it off but by 10 am we had admitted her to the hospice facility.

The doctors spent most of the day trying to get her pain under control. Around 5 pm they finally got her to sleep for a couple of hours. She really didn't get much sleep until 3:30 this morning. She has been asleep now for about 8 hours.

When she is awake she yells out in pain. She really doesn't know where she is or what doctors or nurses are doing. She fights with the staff because of her pain levels and doesn't want to be touched. We talked with the doctor this morning and it was indicated to us that the cancer is now progressing all over her brain. This is causing the increased pressure and severe pain. They are trying to reduce swelling with steroids but the doctor told us this seems like the final stages. He is pretty certain this will not turn around at this point and she wont be returning home.

Please continue your thoughts and prayers.



  1. My prayers continue for Cassie and her family.

  2. Heartbreaking! I'm so sorry, Vicki! Praying for you and your family!

  3. Hurts my heart :(. Prayers for your beautiful family!

  4. Is Cassie doing better today? Praying. Praying. Praying.
