October 6, 2014

Some Good Days and Some Bad

Since our last post Cassandra has had some very good days. Days where she almost needs zero pain meds. For Cassandra this means more days playing with Elliot and being involved in day to day activities. Cassandra spends most of her time in bed but when she is feeling good that means she can move to the living room and enjoy being apart of Elliot and I's chaos.

There have been some bad days. A couple of days ago Cassandra has a seizure at 6:00 AM and was not able to speak for 15 hours. It wasn't until the next morning that she was back to 100% on speaking abilities. There have also been some intense spikes of pain. The pain was so intense I had to give her syringes of pain meds just to keep it under control.

Today is one of the good days. Cassandra spent the day doing puzzles with Elliot and playing with trucks in bed. She also spent some time reading more of your comments on her own and although it took a long time she was able to get through them but not without some tears. She really appreciates your words of encouragement.

Tomorrow is her second treatment. With as good as Cassandra is doing, we are 100% sure the treatment is working now. In the words of her oncologist "she wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't working." We are very lucky that she is reacting well and we are hoping with every treatment it will get better. For Cassandra the trip tomorrow will be very tiring but its worth it.



  1. I am so encouraged, and I continue to pray for a total miracle. With God all things are possible. I've tried so many times to post, but it didn't go through. Maybe I've figured it out now. Edna Rothwell (I taught at SW with your mother for several years until she went to Har Ber.)

  2. Cassandra,
    Good luck with your treatment today. I am so glad you have had some good days and get to enjoy spending time with Elliot and Eric. I know that helps give you the encouragment to keep on fighting. And you have to get to feeling better so you can go Christmas shopping, it will be here before we blink!!

  3. Cassie,
    Keep hanging on girl!! We are praying daily and God is on your side! We love you and your family very much. You are the strongest person I have ever known.

  4. Cassandra and Family --- I'm going to allow the positives that is happening right now take over my thoughts. I'm SO happy for this progress girl. I pray hard this other does of meds will really push things into high gear!!! You GO CASSANDRA!! Hugs to you, husband and beautiful son. You guys are a rock solid family!! LOVE YOU GUYS even though I know you. Prayers and Hugs, over and over to you!

  5. Keep on, Cassie!!! I'm so proud of you and your strength! I wish I had half of the positive energy you possess. Nothing--cancer, people, anything can take that away from you! We are surrounding you in prayers and lifting you in hope!!! Love you.

  6. Oh I just read your blog and I am so so happy for all of you. As I read it I almost cried with joy. Praise the Lord. We just have to remember that God is in control all the time. Sometimes we think he isn't, but he is. Glory be! I know she will be very tired after the treatment, but as you say it will be worth it. So glad that you all are enjoying these nice fall days. You will be going out trick n treating in a few more days. I know the little one will enjoy that. Keep on keeping on Cassie. We love you and are praying for you all the time. Keep on smiling girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Cassie - you are so very strong .... keep leaning on God and that wonderful family of yours. We will all keep praying that God will continue to give you strength, to guide your medical team,. and to amplify the good results that every treatment brings for you. We join with the others who love you to pray for complete healing from our Father above.

  8. Well Good Morning! Treatment number 2 done yesterday and I'm hoping you had a good day! It always saddens me when I read that you've had a bad day....and tears are shed for you, but I know with the bad there is the good too! You are such an inspiration to so many of us, that your strength helps all of us too in our lives. We all continue to pray that this Good Lord will let this medicine be the miracle that is so needed. We all stand beside you, wishing you the best of the best!!! Again, thank you Eric for keeping us updated we so appreciate that you do take a moment to let us know how Cassie is doing and we love to hear about her moments with Elliott. Continue to hold on to your hope and know the prayers are overflowing for you. Enjoy your day and God Bless all of you!!! :)

  9. I was shopping at target last night and they had the pumpkin spice m&ms at the register. Of course my first thought was of your table full last year! I know they will always remind me of you!

  10. God isn't finished with your purpose in life. Rely on him and all will go as His plan unfolds. You are blest Cassie and loved.

  11. Good Friday Schmits! I hope today is a good day for you Cassandria. I pray for you to get to feeling better with each day. I know you may tired of hearing this but you are such a strong and positive person who is touching so many lives girl. I feel I have even grown spirtually during this. I know the power of prayer is POWERFUL and I have no doubt are prayers are being heard. We love you girl and we, or at least I hope to meet you in person someday. I work at JBH with your dad. Maybe your and your family can come up and we can have a big celaration after you kick this!! We would love that!! Hugs and prayers always and have a great weekend girl.

  12. It is Saturday morning and I wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you Cassie and praying that God is using the medical team and their treatments to drive out the cancer that is torturing your body. You are a strong and beautiful person and a large body of believers join our prayers together that God will bless you and your precious family. I pray also for strength and guidance for Eric, Vickie and Kent as they support you in this battle. Our prayers are with you always.

  13. Thinking of you, beautiful girl! Hope you're doing well!!!!
