September 12, 2014

CT PET Scan Results

Cassandra has no cancer from the neck down. While we were not overly concerned with cancer in her body, its good to have confirmation that her body is still holding the cancer at bay. The main purpose of the PET scan was to get all the information we could before we start her new treatment. If everything goes well, her treatment will start on Tuesday. From everything I have read on Keytruda, she should start to see some results within weeks.

Cassandra is doing pretty good considering all she has been though. She still has pain in her head with occasional intense pain. At least once a day I am having to give her increased pain meds. She is standing and moving better. She pushes herself everyday, sometimes a little to much. In her eyes, she is doing well enough to take trips out to Wal-Mart or Target and do some shopping. Although she is really doing better each day we have to convince her to stay home. This is no small feet as anyone who knows Cassandra knows she is a little stubborn. We can't fault her to much since its the same stubbornness that has got her this far.

So right now we are just laying low at home. Cassandra had two events in two weeks and we are trying to keep a potential third one from happening.



  1. Thoughts and prayers are with you Cassandra. Praying for complete healing!

  2. Praying for you guys. Our god is the ultimate healer. Praying for your medical staff and a complete healing. Hang on to that knot girl.

  3. May God continue to give you his most divine blessings and give Cassandra the break she so deserves. Many prayers will continue for all of you and this new drug Keytruda to give her all she needs to heal. God Bless you all!

  4. Your Monett Family continues to hold Cassandra up in our prayers! May this new drug be THE one to make life better. God Bless each of you,
