Ive had a busy week so far. Running here and there. Getting out is nice, but battling the heat isnt. Im very delicate temp wise. (Thank you chemo) so I can get very sick very quick. Keeping that in mind I've been out and about. Carrying cold water, an umbrella, cool clothing, and knowing when to get my butt inside. I love summer, but cant take the heat this year.
I managed to suck it up and get some shopping done. After loosing 40+ lbs, I was forced to get some new clothes. Ilitterally had my pants fall off the other day. So glad it didnt happen in public. Thought I could make em work but nope! Haha. I guess my problems could always be worse.
So, how do I feel daily? I take it hourly. Mornings arnt great and neither is dinner. Both are when I take chemo. Basically lunch is the only good meal for me. If I get too hot I puke. Overall the key is to take it slow.
Thank you for all your prayers. My family is eternally greatful.
I just want you to know that I pray for you daily. Your Grandmother is my very dear friend and she is in my prayers also. Keep up the great attitude that you have. I love you. Gayle Bramall