November 8, 2014

Saturday Update

One of the reasons Cassandra started this blog was because she couldn't find anything on the internet that told the cold hard truth on what is occurring during the cancer experience. She wanted other cancer patients to be able to find something in clear, understandable English so there were no surprises for other people. I am trying to keep that going as I am writing her blog for her. With that in mind I will talk about Cassandra now.

Cassandra's condition has not really improved. Its becoming more apparent to us that we are in the finally days. Cassandra is very confused, can barely talk and is starting to experience some pain. We have started her back on pain meds to make her more comfortable. Cassandra is not taking in enough fluids and while you can go around 30-40 days without eating, without regular fluids you can only last 7-10 days. What this means is her pulse is very high and her breathing rate has increased. All of this points to kidney failure within the next week or two. According to the doctors, around 70% of the patients in hospice pass this way. She still has strokes and seizures to worry about and those can happen at anytime but for right now kidney failure is what we are all worried about. All of this could be solved with an IV of fluid but the problem is that she would continue in her current state for 30-40 days.

 Last time we left hospice Cassandra was very much herself. She would joke with all of us, tell stories and could be clearly understood. Finding the drug we did gave her a fighting chance. Now, even if there was a drug that could help her, I don't know if we would use it. Cassandra's brain has battled for so long that quality of life is now a real issue. 

So for right now we are spending as much time as possible with her. Cherishing each little conversation we can get and every smile.



  1. Thoughts and prayers are with you Eric and Cassandra's family. She is in God's hands. May God comfort you guys in this time of need. God bless you guys for your loving care. Thanks for keeping us posted about Cassandra.

  2. Oh, Dear Family, what a sad experience for all of you. I am so sorry that the last drug didn't turn out to be the miracle drug we were praying for, but at least it bought you a little more time to be together and enjoy your little one. May God continue to give you strength. My love, Edna

  3. My hearts just breaks with this news....Cassandra has fought a long hard fight like no other that I have ever known. She has taught us all so many things on this journey, most importantly to fight and hold on to the things you love and never give up. Her entire family has taught us all the real meaning of "Family". You have all been such a role model to everyone and have supported and loved her like no other. Just know that Cassandra will live forever with us here in our hearts because we will never forget the lessons she has taught her on this two year journey and will try everyday to apply those to our daily lives. So to you all, thank you for being the family that you are and for everything that you have taught us. I pray that God will give you all the comfort that you need during the next weeks. As always our thoughts and prayers are will you all.
