May 29, 2014

What a Week.

Sorry for my lack of posts. Ive been out of town trying to get well before my next chemo. That said we celebrated my sons 2nd birthday this weekend! Boy how time flies. Seems like it was only yesterday that he was an infant. He got a new truck for his birthday. Its like a cozy coupe car, but a truck. He can peddle it with his feet. (think flinstone car) He wakes up now so happy yelling "Truck!!" Its really sweet to see. That boy loves trucks.

So as for me…. Im still having tummy issues. They put me on antibiotics to see if I had an infection in my tummy. It seems to have helped. Friday I go in for an endoscopy (where they stick a camera down my throat to see my tummy) they want to make sure its not an ulcer or something else in my stomach causing issues. I just hope we figure it out. Its really difficult to do anything with the random vomiting and diarrhea. Im just ready to get it resolved. Meanwhile I start back chemo at half dose.

Its crazy how expensive everything is. This month alone my family will have spent over $800 in medicine/prescriptions alone. I don't know how some afford it. Once you add the insurance and doctors bills to it, its almost a full time job just paying these people. I swear it would be nice for universal healthcare about now. Seriously. Yes, I know its a giant political debate. However, at this point I think we need it. If England can do it in the aftermath of WW2 why can't we? Some days I just wanna move to Canada….

May 20, 2014


Sorry for the delay! Been on a mimi- vacay at our creek property. I let all my electronics batteries die, so no blog posts.

I saw the doctor today. To recap: Ive been off my chemo drugs for 2 weeks now. We were trying to get my stomach healed before round 2 of chemo. You may ask "whats wrong!?" Well Ill be blunt…. vomiting and diharreah. It is a nightmare. The meds they gave me to heal my stomach lining made me even more sick. We got off those and have tried many different things. Nothing is helping. Ive changed my diet, and tried yogurt and coconut milk. All in the name of stopping the madness. The doc today is waiting on some test results to rule out certain infections. He surprised me when he said he's going to order and look at my tummy. (I can't remember the word) They want to get in there this week and see if maybe I have an infection or ulcer causing my issues.

What now? Well now Im waiting on a call for my scope appointment, and my test results. I start taking my chemo asap. (not sure if I mentioned I take chemo by pill at home daily) We had to order new meds that will be overnighted here before I can start up again. I will admit, Im not looking forward to starting back. So now we wait again…..hopefully we get this figured out.

May 14, 2014

One thing after another,

The past few days have been rough. Ive been sick in bed all but for one day. Seems like Ill have 1 good day then a bunch of bad ones. At this time I stopped the chemo. I have to give my body time to heal. My tummy sees even water as a threat these days. So for my health and healing we are taking a break. So far? Break hasn't gone as expected. Still having all the tummy issues. Then I discovered the new meds they gave rant working for me. As in I throw them up immediately after taking them!

That said we are going back to  very simple but healthy diet. (and its the only things I can seem to keep down) The BRAT diet. Banana, Rice, Apple sauce, Toast. My doctor is the one who suggested it. Try to help my tummy heal, then add things back in. Once healed more then we can talk about more chemo.

The only new new thing is that my headaches are coming back. Ive had one for almost 2 days now. We are treating them best we can. (funny that the best help is a good ole ice pack).

Other than all the crummy medical stuff we are doing good! Planning Elliots 2nd birthday party! And had a great mothers day. I hope everyone else had a good mothers day as well.

May 7, 2014

Good Scan Results!

So we got our scan results yesterday. My body is clear. I originally had a spot on my spine and some lymph nodes we were watching, but they are now gone. The spot on my spine was attributed to my leg issues and why I could not walk a few weeks ago. That, like I said, is completely gone. The only things remaining are the tumors in my brain. The good news is they shrank greatly!!!!! One tumor went from 5.5 to 3.5 centimeters. Thats crazy. Which also means the chemo is working.

So the good news is its working. The bad news is Im still having issues tolerating the treatment. They discovered that my stomach lining is a disaster (hence the puking). We added a new medicine that is supposed to heal my stomach lining. Once healed I shouldn't be nauseous anymore. The meds they gave me have started working on the diarrhea as well. These things have to be under control for me to continue taking these drugs. I simply can't stay chained to a toilet the rest of my life. You may ask "well how long can you expect to stay on this chemo?" My answer? The rest of my life….. So our goal is to get me able to tolerate it, and be able to leave the house. :)

Overall good news. We are still working the kinks out, but I have a bunch of people cheering me on. There may be a light at the end of this long tunnel yet.